Location: The park is located along Fairview Road approximately one mile west of Prospect Road.

Description: The park is approximately 40 acres in size, including 15 acres of lawn area. The terrain is gentle, sloping toward a wooded area to the north. The site has a paved parking area, landscaped trees and shrubs, pavilions and athletic fields.

Park Hours: Dawn to dusk, with patrols by local police.

Site Amenities:

  • 2 pavilions, each with seating for up to 100 people
  • 1 pavilion with seating for 30 people
  • 2 baseball fields
  • 1 soccer field
  • 1 basketball court
  • 1 sand volleyball court
  • 1 street hockey rink
  • picnic tables/grills
  • comfort station, flush toilets
  • electrical outlets at each pavilion
  • small hiking trail
  • woods and open space
  • swings, playground activity area

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